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Springs of Dreams Corporation hereby, cordially invites chapter contributions to the first American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics book on Distributed Propulsion Technology, edited by Dr. Amir S. Gohardani (Springs of Dreams Corporation). Due to the large global interest in making contributions to this book, partially driven by this emerging discipline, it is highly advisable that you kindly complete the first and the second step on the below listed time line as early as possible.

The timeline for this project is as follows:

Step 1: Deadline: 31 December 2017 – Notify Dr. Amir S. Gohardani about your interest and contribution to this book.

Action: Please make yourself familiar with all the designated deadlines and the files marked with **** in the document list below. This project lasts roughly seven months. Hence, timely responses for completing your contributions are advisable.  Please submit a filled out and signed “Respected Colleague Letter of Invitation.PDF*” to amir.s.gohardani@springsofdreams.org as early as possible. Your form needs to be received before 31 December 2017 to be considered for inclusion. In your e-mail kindly also indicate which of the three sections your contribution most likely would belong to.

At this stage,  if you are aware that you will be able to make a contribution kindly return the filled out and signed document even if you would need to work out some details with your colleagues and organization at a later instant. This is to ensure that your contribution is considered and included.

Step 2: Deadline: 31 December 2017 – Notify your interest to AIAA.

Action: Please submit a filled out “DistributedPropulsionTechnologyContributorLetter-AIAA.pdf**” to the listed AIAA e-mail address before 31 December 2017.

Step 3: Deadline: 31 December 2017 – Notify your interest to AIAA.

Action: Please submit a filled out “Copyright Assignment-Books.pdf***” to amir.s.gohardani@springsofdreams.org, before 31 December 2017.

The attached Zip File, contains the following six documents which shed more light on how you can make a contribution:

  1.     RespectedColleagueLetterofInvitation.PDF*
  2.     DistributedPropulsionTechnologyContributorLetter-AIAA.pdf**
  3.     Copyright Assignment-Books.pdf***
  4.     AIAABooksUsing MSWord.pdf****
  5.     AIAABooks-References.pdf****
  6.     AIAABooks-Mathematics.pdf****

General Remarks

 The content of this book is divided into four major sections;

Section 1

An introductory chapter written by Dr. Amir S. Gohardani will mirror an objective review work about the current and future environmental concerns for general aviation. Within this context, concerns for aircraft emissions, noise, sustainability, and other key aspects pertaining to general aviation and brief section regarding future aviation prospects are highlighted.  A particularly interesting red thread of this book – which also serves as a justification for its future publication – revolves around the fact that distributed propulsion technology is a disruptive technology. Currently, this technology is in direct conflict to current propulsion trends of employing a small number of propulsion units (e.g. transatlantic twin engine flights) - in for instance commercial aviation.  In this chapter the definition of distributed propulsion technology will be re-iterated for the purposes of illustrating various distributed propulsion concept arrangements. The contents of this section offer a novel insight in the most notable advances made in distributed propulsion technology for fixed wing aircraft and could possibly also be extended to rotorcraft across a variety of platforms. Moreover, some of the current challenges with regards to enabling distributed propulsion are equally revisited and identified.

Section 2

Solids Part: The focus of this section is to capture the airframe design approach (transition from tube-fuselage to HWB/BWB) as well as integrated design approaches such as fan-in-wing design concepts which are based on conventional airframes but still offer exotic aircraft design solutions for employment of a large number of propulsors. There are many more topics which can be addressed here ranging material selections to lighter system including carbon fibers. Structural aspects which would enable overall lighter airframes or integrated propulsor-wing designs including complex VTOL configurations, morphable and flexible wings and control surfaces will also be considered.

Fluids Part: This subsection is concentrated on flow a phenomenon that impacts the design or arrangement of propulsors. In an exemplary case, during certain cruise conditions, the fan inlet plane witness shockwaves which obstruct the inflow to propulsors. This section deals with boundary layer ingestion, flow control, and other flow manipulation techniques which would enhance the overall performance of the aircraft either through more efficient PAI or innovative maneuverability techniques. However, the design aspects are not exclusively restricted to fluid dynamics. Structural aspects which would enable lighter airframes or integrated propulsor-wing designs including complex VTOL configurations, morphable and flexible wings and control surfaces will also be included in this section along with Multi-Disciplinary Optimization techniques which have consistently been pursued since the dawn of distributed propulsion technology.

Section 3

This section deals with the various propulsion architectures which have been considered for distributed propulsion technology. The focal point of this section is primarily placed on the propulsors and the propulsion system rather than other systems onboard the aircraft. With a wide range of distributed propulsion arrangements considered, the various propulsion architectures include but are not limited to:

One of the most prominent propulsion architectures proposed for distributed propulsion technology is a turboelectric distributed propulsion concept. This arrangement has actively been pursued by NASA. Following the very latest trends to enable environmental responsible aircraft, this specific propulsion technology consists of many new parts which extend beyond the current propulsion architectures of advanced turbofan engines. The purpose of this section is to capture the various facets of novel propulsion architectures, whether they include superconductivity or simply refer to transferring power from turbo generators to an array of distributed fans. In the context of novel propulsion architectures, electric aircraft systems play a major role.

Many of the more exotic ideas for disruptive propulsion include cryogenic cooling and tank considerations, aircraft electric power system considerations, More Electric Aircraft architectures, hydrogen powered aircraft, electric fans, brushless electric motors, converters, etc. In this section a wide range of propulsion arrangements will be revealed with a focus on both detailed propulsor capabilities and the overall distributed propulsion system.

Section 4

In this final section of this book, the prospects of distributed propulsion technology could be investigated based on historical trends and the current state-of-the-art technologies. An interesting vantage point - which is partially driven by business justification - is to consider distributed propulsion arrangements in commercial/transport aircraft, military aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as enablers of penetrating the aerospace sector. With the advent of quad rotor UAVs, this process has partially already been initiated. This final section discusses the subsequent steps for future distributed propulsion concepts in light of future air transportation, surveillance, hybrid/electric systems, full electric systems, power distribution, power management, etc.

Please notice the following:

Please address any questions pertaining to the above, to Dr. Amir S. Gohardani.